Whether you’re a new vaper or are an avid e-cigarette user; knowing the role temperature plays in your overall vaping enjoyment is crucial. Overlooking e-juice temperature can leave you with mediocre vaping experiences each time and ignoring temperature can even cause you discomfort or decrease the e-juice flavor. If you aren’t sure where to begin when it comes to the best temperature for vaping, Vape 312 is here to guide you.

Ready for an enhanced vaping experience? Here’s our guide to the best temperatures to vape your e-juice.

The Best Temperatures for Vaping E-Juice

390 F to 420 F

390 F to 420 F is considered the best temperature range to vape e-juice at. This is because you will be provided with a substantial, but refreshing hit that is smooth to the lungs. Delicious, optimum flavor is also emitted, giving you an enjoyable, full experience from the juice.

425 F to 450 F

Other vape users may enjoy a higher temperature for a warmer hit instead of a completely cool intake. In this temperature range, the flavor is slightly enhanced to allow you to enjoy the experience further. The hit you’ll receive is still considerable and not as warm as other temperatures.

450 F to 490 F

This range provides a significant increase in vape flavor and intake experience. This temperature range is noticeably warmer, and may even be too hot for some vape users. Some may even find that the taste is slightly burnt, which may be the result of a lower-quality e-cigarette that can trigger coughing.

Temperature Control Vaping

Investing in a temperature control vape allows you to regulate temperature to the range you desire. This allows for consistent, substantial and flavorful hits with each drag to enhance your overall vaping experience. You’re able to set the range you find most suitable, and the e-cigarette will stay within the selected zone. The temperature control vape (TC) sends the specific amount of power necessary to reach the atomizer coil to the selected temperature range. Not all vape devices are capable of TC, but here are examples of coil wire types that are capable of temperature regulation:

  • Nickel Wire: represented on the device as NI or Ni200.
  • Stainless Steel: Often designated as SS, in forms as SS 316 or SS 304 based on the steel.
  • Titanium- indicated as TI on the vape.

Why You Should Care About Temperature

  • Enhanced flavor safer, more comfortable intake for the user’s throat,
  • Keeps vape users aware of usage and allows them to use e-liquid in a conservative manner to increase vape sessions.
  • Finding a suitable temperature to vape at avoids any side effects than can occur due to higher temperatures.

Vape 312 is your premier Chicago vape store for the ultimate in socializing, learning and enjoying all things vape related. Browse through our high-quality e-liquid brands and hardware, and if we don’t have what you desire, we’ll order it for you. Our friendly, contemporary and comfortable environment and staff can’t wait to meet you!